

30/03/2013 11:14




Part Two

Mission of Assistance

4.  Our Merging Civilizations ........................


First Message Received from Adama ............................... 29

An Update on Our Emergence Plan

(Adama, through Aurelia Louise Jones) ...................


Mother Earth’s Sacrifice ................................................... 33

5.  Surface Destruction & Government Cover-up


Chemical and Biological Warfare .................................... 35

Mines Planted on the Surface .......................................... 36

Q: When can we come to Telos? ...................................... 37

6.  Beloved-Earth Changes ...........................


The Dance of Light .......................................................... 38

Earth Changes Require a Lot of Rest ............................... 38

We Have Chosen Immortality ......................................... 39

7.  God’s Plan For Us All .............................


Christ Consciousness ....................................................... 41

Using Your Divinity to Navigate ..................................... 42

Q: Why are there so many people on Earth today? ......... 43

8.  Co-Partners in the Light ..........................


Humanity Is On Fire with the Light of Consciousness ... 44

Cities of Light Are Strewn Across America .................... 44

I Teach Classes on the Inner Planes at Night ................. 46

We Can See Each Other’s Light ...................................... 47

The New Millennium....................................................... 48

9.  Our Collective Purpose In Love .................


Q: What is our purpose here? ........................................... 50

Love Is the Glue ............................................................... 51

Q: How would you describe God to us? ........................... 51

Peace Reigns on Most Planets .......................................... 52

We Monitor Your Surface ................................................ 53





Part Three

Physical Nature and Telos Lifestyle

10.  Our Physical Being...............................


Q: What do the people in Telos look like? ...................... 55

The Fountain of Youth Is Located in Your Own Mind ... 56

Q: Why do you want to stay in the same physical body

for so long? .................................................................. 57

Q: Are our bodies Electrical? Is this what you mean

when you say, “We are all light”? ................................ 58

In Telos, We Restore Lost Limbs ..................................... 58

11.  Use of Astral Projection and Telepathy ...... 60

Q: How do our thoughts reach you? ................................ 61

Message to the Annual WESAK CELEBRATION in

Mt. Shasta ................................................................... 62

12.  Our Days In Telos ................................


Awakening to Who You Are ............................................ 64

Q: All our households on the surface duplicate

everything we use. Is it this way in Telos? .................. 66

Q: Is there a lot of celebrating in Telos? .......................... 67

We Bring Our Dreams to Fruition During Our

Lifespans of Hundreds and Thousands of Years .......... 68

All We Dream, We Create ............................................... 69

Q: Do you have locks on your doors? ............................... 71

Q: Will I ever be able to live in Telos? ............................ 71

13.  Our Governing System ........................... 73

Q: How is Telos governed? ............................................... 73

Your Tax System Is Fraudulent ......................................... 73

We are Free of Income Taxes ........................................... 74





14.  Buildings And Technology ...................... 76

Our Houses Are Round .................................................... 76

We Use Crystals to Navigate Inside of the Globe ........... 77

Q: Where does your Water supply come from? ............... 78

Q: What kind of Technology do you have? ..................... 79

Saint Germain on Subterranean Technology .................. 81

The Surface Population Is Still in the Dark Regarding

Past Lives ..................................................................... 81

We Go on Jaunts into Outer Space ................................. 82

Our Computer System Links Us to the Confederation ... 83

15.  Food Production And Consumption ...........


Q: How do you grow and distribute your food in Telos? . 85

Q: Do you cut down trees for paper? ................................ 87

16.  Climate, Weather, and Affecting Thoughts ..


Our Climate Is a Factor in Our Evolution ....................... 89

There Is a Connection Between Your Lives and the

Weather ....................................................................... 90

Your Erratic Weather Patterns Are a Reflection

of Your Thoughts ......................................................... 91

Your Thoughts Can Move Mountains ............................. 93

Part Four

Travel and Transportation

17.  Electromagnetic Vehicles and Underground

Passageways .........................................


Q: Will you tell us about the tunnels and your

transportation system? ................................................ 95

We Use Electromagnetic Vehicles to Travel Through

Earth’s Tunnels ............................................................ 97

Q: How do you get to the underground city in

Mt. Shasta? .................................................................. 99





18.  Polar Openings ..................................


Q: Are there polar openings at the north and south

poles of the planet Earth? And if so, is there a path

that is best to take through the Arctic regions,

such as through the Hudson Bay route and north

from there? ................................................................ 100

19.  Visiting The Surface............................


We Come and Go Freely on the Mountaintop.............. 101

Q: Are you opening the tunnel entrances to Telos? ...... 101

Q: Where will you stay when you come to the surface? 102

Part Five

Telos and the Earth’s Interior

20.  Complexion of the Inner Earth ...............


Q: Are all Planets Hollow?

(answered by Ashtar from the Galactic Command) ....


Q: What do the Oceans and Mountains look like on

the inside of the Globe? ............................................ 106

The Tunnels and Spaceport in the Hollow Earth ......... 107

21.  Inner Earth Beings .............................


Adama Talks About the Inner Earth Beings Who

Live in the Hollow Earth .......................................... 109

Part Six

Messages from the Hollow Earth

22.  The Inner Earth Beings Speak ...............


23.  Mikos Speaks from the Library of

Porthologos, Beneath the Aegean Sea ........


Our Library Holds the Records of the Universe ............ 116

The Story of the Hollow Earth Inhabitants .................. 118





We Once Lived on Another Solar System .................... 120

Food Takes On the Mass Consciousness of the

Community It’s Grown In ........................................ 126

The Earth Is the Showcase of the Milky Way Galaxy... 130

The Living Library of All Knowledge Is Located

WITHIN Each of You ............................................... 133

There Is No Delay in Telepathic Transmissions ............ 136

You Have Many More Than Five Senses ....................... 137

Our Earth Herself Is a Crystal ........................................ 139

Everything in the Hollow Earth Is Constructed of

Crystals ...................................................................... 142

Earthquakes Within Your Souls ..................................... 146

Part Seven

2012 AD Ascension

24.  Photon Belt and Fifth Dimension Portal ...


Message from Adama received by Aurelia Louise Jones

in February 1999 ....................................................... 151

El Morya, through Aurelia Louise Jones ........................ 157

Adama, through Aurelia Louise Jones ........................... 161

We Have Entered the Photon Belt ................................ 163

25.  Reunion ...........................................


Further update of Ascension plans ................................ 165

Part Eight

Additional Resources

The Purpose of Life .......................................................... 167

Books, Videos, and Internet Links for Further Research ... 168

The Call Goes Out:

Messages from the Earth’s Cetaceans ....................


In Grateful Recognition to My Endorsers ..................... 172

Index ......................................................................173





of that which you call your planetary history, WE of the

Subterranean Colonies rejoice in knowing that you are remem-

bering a time when many of us regularly and openly lived among

you. Each time you realize that all things are interconnected,

from the tiniest element of dirt beneath your feet, to the small-

est of life forms within the oceans, to the great expanse of the

heavens above you that twinkle with billions of stars, we celebrate.

You as surface dwellers frequently believe you are alone,

but you are not. We are not only with you, we are like you. Yet

do not assume that everyone who shares this place with you

looks like you, or represents your cultures, or supports your sci-

ences, religions, and politics. We kindly let this misconception

pass silently among the greater numbers of you, as we do not

wish to add yet another shake-up to your people, and create a

larger span of place and time between us through the perception

of our differences.

Each time you forget to be kind to yourself and each other,

each time you fight and are hostile and angry, we send more love

to you and this planet so that all may live in harmony despite

the unique abilities of physical appearance, location and lifestyle.

For us to be with you, in heart and mind, is the greatest gift

and honor we may have, now and forever. WE, of the Subterra-

nean World, welcome this bridge we are able to create between

your society and ours. All life, and all existence, depends upon

this bridge.

Celebrate now with each other, and with us, as you read

the messages presented within these pages. They represent the

past, the present, and the future — a future highly possible for

your children and ours. With much love, respect, and joy, we

open the bridge and the doors to the One United Earth-World

Colonies for Earth.





A Word from the Author

Having spent most of my lifetime feeling out of sync with

the rest of society, I began to meditate in 1989 when I was 50

years old. I had taught school for many years, and even with all

my degrees and all my education, I still couldn’t make sense of

my life on Earth until I connected with my Twin Flame and

began receiving inner guidance. Along with this ultimate con-

nection came the remembrance of who “I AM” and why I am


It was a few years after this that I “found” a newsletter

written by Sharula Dux, who came to the surface of the third

dimensional plane from Telos, an underground city inside of Mt.

Shasta. She was born in 1725, and presently lives in Santa Fe,

NM with her husband.

In Sharula’s newsletter, she wrote about the Subterranean

Cities beneath the Earth’s surface, and told about life in Telos.

She wrote that Adama was an Ascended Master and the High

Priest of Telos. Upon my seeing the name “Adama”, I couldn’t

stop wondering about him. One day I was sitting in meditation

thinking about Adama, with my pen and notebook by my side,

when I suddenly felt a burst of loving and gentle energy go right

through me, almost lifting me up into the air. I then heard the

I AM Adama,

words, “

speaking to you from Telos.”

You see,

our thoughts go out into the Universe and instantly

connect us to whomever we think about.

So at the moment I thought

about Adama, He received my thought and responded. Our

thoughts are Light, and this Language of Light is the universal

language which operates from within us at the sub-atomic level,

through all frequencies, dimensions, time and space. Wherever

our attention is, our consciousness goes. Adama


my frequency

and resonated to it. I then


his response through the Language





of Light, and my brain translated his frequency into thought,

images and words.

For me, this was quite a simple process. I was just the re-

ceiver, recording the words as they came. My mind was entirely

out of the way, neither analyzing nor evaluating nor judging the

content of the message.

We each have our own distinct frequency band which iden-

tifies us to anyone in the Universe. This is our “signature”, so to

speak. All we need to do is think a thought, and it arrives at its

destination. This Living Light Language communes between all

things, from the sub-atomic to the intergalactic, and connects

all of life, everywhere.

Remember, We Are All One. When you think about an

Ascended Being like Adama, know that He is instantly aware of

your thoughts, and responds immediately. You just have to clear

the air waves so you can hear his reply. That is the key.

Adama began to dictate messages to me at scheduled ap-

pointment times, and I would write them word-for-word in a

spiral notebook. These dictations are still continuing, and I have

been guided to compile the messages and have them published.

I now understand that as LAILEL (my Star name), I have worked

with Adama in past ages, and have lived many lifetimes in Telos

and in Lemuria.

A Word About Telos

Telos, a Lemurian colony under Mt. Shasta in northern

California, is a city of Light governed by a council of 12 Ascended

Masters and its High Priest, Adama.

The name Telos means

“communication with spirit”.

The citizens of Telos, formerly of Lemuria, are working





toward the Ascension. They can astral project to any location,

and can telecommunicate to anyone in any locality of time and

space. In Adama’s messages of empowerment, he tells us of our


“to become a Spiritual Warrior, one who acknowledges the

Light within, and to reunite humanity into ONE human family.

For once humanity feels God’s Love directly from within, all will

be able to understand their purpose for being here on Earth, and

will cease to feel the separation of their soul from God’s Light.”

All planets are Hollow, and are inhabited by human life of

one vibration or another. The Sun is also Hollow, and is not

hot, but cold. Our Earth is Hollow, and contains an Inner Central


The governing city within the Inner Earth is called Sham-

balla. It is located inside the very center of the planet, and can

be accessed through holes at either the North or South pole of

this planet. The northern and southern lights that we see in our

skies are actually reflections of Earth’s Inner Central Sun, ema-

nating from her hollow core.

There are over 120 subterranean cities located within the

Earth’s crust. These Cities of Light are not far beneath the Earth’s

surface. As a grouping, these cities are called the Agartha

Network. The INNER EARTH BEINGS are highly evolved

beings living on the interior surface of the Hollow Earth. They

are mostly ascended souls who have chosen to continue their

evolution in the Earth’s inner recesses because of the perfection

of conditions existing there.

Although Atlantis and Lemuria have become myths on the

surface, the people from Atlantis and Lemuria are flourishing in

their underground cities. The people within these colonies are

people just like you and me, who are living in the Third Dimen-

sion, just as we are.


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